It was ten p.m. and it had taken me over an hour to respond to an urgent work related email because it seemed every five minutes I had to step away from the computer to respond to an even more urgent request occurring somewhere within my household.
I know, pretty typical. But, allow me to keep painting a picture for you of what I felt at that very moment.
My eyes are dreary and tired. My body aches from having been up and around all day getting some areas of the house back in order because they were in desperate need. As well as grocery shopping to various stores, with two toddlers in tow. My to-do list for the day spanned over two pages of construction paper that I had grabbed out of the laundry room as I tried to find myself under piles of art supplies that hadn’t been put away yet from the day before and decided I better start writing down all that was in my head that had to be done before bed, before it just burst.
My head, that is.
The house wasn’t quite where I had hoped it would by this evening, but at a certain point I just had to get to my work emails. So there I am drafting the hour long email in between pouring milk, making fresh beds, dealing with a remote control wrestling match, comforting a crying baby, finding my husband’s phone charger for him. Need I really go on?
Just as go to hit send because the email is finally as done as it’s going to get it turns out my computer has lost connection somehow. I’m accepting the fact that I have to collect my thoughts yet again to compose the email that was filled with my usual anal, micro-managing instructions, when my husband comes downstairs to ask if he could have another chili dog.
The chili dogs I made hours ago, mind you, because I was too busy and exhausted to make an actual full fledged dinner. Wth any nutritional value, I might add. So at that moment I was on the brink of losing it and felt like sharing with him a piece of my overwhelmed, overworked mind. But, I bit my tongue and assured him that he’d have another Chili Dog in a jiffy.
I whipped it up, freshly chopped onions, shredded cheese and all. And, he asks me as I hand it to him with a smile, if it is hot. Now, I wasn’t sure if he was worried that it was too hot or if he thought perhaps I was serving him cold chili, but again I was on the brink of losing it and felt like sharing with him a piece of my frustrated and annoyed mind. Instead, I bit my tongue and assured him that I had warmed both the Dog and the Chili.
The point of these ramblings, you ask? Simply to reflect on the fact that I always try to do it all. It’s just engrained in me, this need to pull it all off. As with many moms out there, I just have this death wish to be everything and to do everything. And I suppose this is my PSA to other moms out there who see my wonderful creations on Facebook. You know, the ones who tell me they get tired just reading my posts. “They” ask me–
Where do you get all this energy?
How do you do it all?
Am I a bad Mom?
No, ladies. Noooooooo. Don’t worry, I’m just slowly going insane.
In all seriousness, the magic you see happening here. It doesn’t happen seamlessly, and without anguish. It doesn’t ever happen perfectly or even as I had imagined. It doesn’t happen as fabulously as the snapshots you see on Facebook and Pinterest.
But, it happens.
And, yes, despite being on the brink of crazy, I do intend to keep doing it all and to keep living on my own level of fabulous-ness.
Or at least, to keep trying, while I’m still on this side of looney.
And speaking of Looney, here are some Friday funnies for you:

And lastly, not only did he get into Daddy’s chips, but he served little bro his own portion in an empty soap box..